Vision Metric

Optimising performance and resolving security issues, on-going maintainance.

You can visit and explore the website by clicking here: Vision Metric

Project Summary

WordPress Theme Management:

  • Deleted unused themes to reduce website complexity and minimize the risk of compromise.
  • Conducted a vulnerability scan on the current theme using the Wordfence plugin to ensure its safety.

SSL Certificate Configuration:

  • Addressed SSL cipher vulnerability by configuring the server to accept only strong ciphers and enforcing HTTPS using the "Really Simple SSL" plugin.
  • Enabled 301 redirects with .htaccess to ensure secure connections.
  • Set HttpOnly Secure cookies automatically.
  • Renamed and randomized the database prefix for security purposes.

Web Server Software Update:

  • Ensured the WordPress core is updated to the latest safe version without any conflicts.

Protection against Spiders and Unrecognized URLs:

  • Checked and fixed code issues related to special characters and JavaScript to thwart most spiders.
  • Ensured all URLs referenced are recognized to prevent potential security risks.

Web Application Firewall (WAF) Installation:

  • Installed the Wordfence plugin to enforce plugin updates and enhance website security.

Additional Actions:

  • Resolved 49 issues identified by Wordfence comprehensive scan tool.
  • Fixed critical WordPress errors, such as disabling debug mode to prevent sensitive information exposure.
  • Addressed site-wide issues highlighted in the Site Health - Status report provided by WordPress.